It’s never too late to pursue your dreams!

finding joy after 50 course, kerry hanna coaching for women in midlife

Have you ever been on the cusp of chasing a dream, or doing something new and exciting?

And had someone criticize you? Or try to put you in your place?

By saying something like this…

“Who do you think you are?”

Or other versions of it, like…

“Don’t get too big for your britches!”

“How dare you!”

“You’re not ___________ (insert: smart, talented, good, experienced) enough to do that!”


Knocks the wind right out of your sails, doesn’t it?

This happened to me years ago. In the midst of pursing one of my BIG dreams…

I’d gotten certified as a life coach a few years prior (BIG Dream #1: check!) and had decided I was ready to take another leap, and pursue BIG Dream #2…

To start teaching empowerment courses to women in midlife.

women looking out over long bridge, kerry hanna coaching for women in midlifeI was nervous and excited.

AND feeling very vulnerable about my next step forward.

The way you are when you’ve played small for too long. And are finally ready to jump off the cliff.

Into the scary unknown.

Would I succeed?

Or would I fail?

Unfortunately I’ll never know. Cuz I made my one fatal mistake…

I shared my precious dream with the wrong person.

Someone I believed was on my side.

Turns out, she wasn’t.

In one quick, merciless conversation she ripped ME and MY DREAM to shreds. Within seconds she had me believing I was a complete idiot for ever thinking my dream of teaching courses to other women was possible.

And the result?

(Besides me dissolving into a puddle of tears afterwards)?

I packaged that dream up into a tidy little box. And hid it away for years.

cat peeking out over box, kerry hanna coaching for women over 50

Because somehow I’d allowed HER voice to win out over my own.

I’d convinced myself she was right…

That I wasn’t good (smart, talented) enough to teach.

Ugh. What a waste!

Maybe you can relate?

Maybe you’ve got a dream or goal you wanna pursue. Or something new you wanna try.

But you’ve tucked it away for fear of failure or being criticized by others.

Or maybe, you’ve already shared it (with a naysayer) and been laughed at.


Called bat-sh*t crazy. Or a ridiculous daydreamer.

And maybe (sadly) you believed them.

My heart goes out to you, if so, because I know how painful that is…

To defer to others, and keep parts of you and your precious dreams hidden.

But take it from me, all is NOT lost!

In my case, I refused to let that woman’s voice win out over my own.

After lots of journaling, walks in nature, and support from my real friends, I regained my footing. As well as my confidence.

And I had a big epiphany along the way!

One I’ve never forgotten.

In fact, it’s one of the key things I teach in my course Finding Joy After 50: A 5-Day Mini-Course for Women In Midlife Who Want to Kickstart Their Happiness & Reboot Their Life.

Cuz yes, eventually I DID take Dream #2 back out of its box and set it free…

I’m teaching empowerment courses to women in midlife now!

(Nobody puts Baby in the corner!)

patrick swayze in dirty dancing "nobody puts baby in the corner", kerry hanna coaching for women over 50

So if you’ve ever let someone else’s voice win out over your own…

Or their opinion matter more than yours

Or you’re tired of playing small, staying stuck, or pushing your dreams back down…

And you’re ready to choose yourself, be yourself, and follow your own damn heart

Check out my inspiring mini-course Finding Joy After 50 which includes:

★ 5 days of emails with short 5-10 minute videos (or audios for those on the go) designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule.

★ Bite-sized actionable lessons to help you explore your desires, values, and passions, and rediscover what truly makes you happy.

★ Thought-provoking self-reflection questions that encourage you to dig deep and uncover your true desires.

★ Bonus 1: exclusive access to a private Facebook group to connect with other like-minded women, share your experiences, and celebrate your wins together.

★ Bonus 2: three guided meditations to help you cultivate self-love, find inner peace, and reconnect with your true happiness.

This short yet powerful course is full of practical tool and strategies to help get you unstuck and moving towards more joy!

Here’s what a few of my students had to say about Finding Joy After 50:

“Finding Joy After 50 was a game-changer for me. Kerry’s insights made me realize the importance of intentionally surrounding myself with a supportive circle. It’s about protecting your dreams and creating your own tribe. This course gave me the tools to navigate that.” ~ Isabelle

“Finding Joy After 50 helped me bring clarity to my self-reflection, accepting and moving on from everything in my past...embracing where I am in my life and reminding me not to fear change in the future.” ~ Barb

“‘Finding Joy’ helped me reassess my whole value system and gave me a framework to change my life from depression to joy. If you are feeling lost and need a gentle wake-up call to help yourself move forward, I highly recommend this course. It is full of useful, valuable tools and a kind, non-judgmental teaching method.~ Monique

So if you’re ready to put your outer (and inner) critic’s voices to rest, embrace the mantra “it’s never too late to pursue YOUR dreams” and...

finding joy after 50 course, kerry hanna coaching for women in midlifeStart taking small, bite-sized steps that will have a BIG impact on your life…

Click here to join Finding Joy After 50!

Cuz you deserve to set yourself (and your dreams) free and live your best life after 50!

To never (ever!) putting Baby in the corner again,

Kerry xo

P.S. Feel like something’s missing from your life? Ready for a reset? Join Finding Joy After 50: A 5-Day Mini-Course for Women In Midlife Who Want to Kickstart Their Happiness & Reboot Their Life! It’s never too late to pursue your dreams and live a more fulfilling life!

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